Sign up with Athena Health portal today!

Benefits of Athena Health Portal:
See test results when it’s ready.
Review case summary/ prescription lists.
Request/ refill prescriptions.
Schedule/ Request appointment.
Fill up the checking form online and save time in the waiting room.
Send a security message to your care team about your test result or follow up with a recent office visit.
View your statement, balance, or pay your bills online.

How to Sign Up
Step 1: Provide your email address to our staff
Step 2: Click to register when you receive the registration email.
Step 3: Setup your profile/ notifications and select contact methods (email, phone or text message)
Need Help?
Watch this brief overview to find out how to register for access to your patient portal and learn about the features you'll be able to take advantage of, like test results, scheduling, and bill payment.
For more questions: Call (808) 201-3937 or email: info@projectvisionhawaii.org