About Us
Project Vision Hawai`i was founded in 2007 by Dr. Michael Bennett, a local ophthalmologist who specializes in retinal surgery. With his oversight, the foundation for the program was developed by Hawai‘i’s top experts in vision care. In 2011, under the guidance of a board and then Executive Director, Elizabeth “Annie” Valentin, Project Vision Hawai`i became a 501(c)(3).
As a community driven organization, expansion of Project Vision has been guided by need. Since 2007, it has grown from one mobile screening unit to 10 mobile screening units serving the entire state of Hawai‘i.
Project Vision Hawai‘i has the only mobile health screening programs in Hawai‘i that provide statewide services in communities with significant access-to-care challenges related to income, lack of insurance, geographical location, or cultural conflict.