Hot showers for Kauai homeless
Project Vision Hawai'i is excited to announce the expansion of our mobile hygiene program on the island of Kaua'i. The mobile hygiene shower trailer will provide free hot showers to houseless communities across the island.
Please check back for updates, schedule may be subject to change.
Mondays Coming Soon!
Tuesdays 10am-1pm
Location: Salvation Army LIHUE
*Hot meal provided, free change of clothes, wound care, KCA partner services*
Wednesdays 10am-1pm
Location: Salvation Army HANAPEPE
*Hot meal provided, free change of clothes, wound care, KCA partner services*
Thursdays 12pm-3pm
Location: All Saints Church KAPA‘A
*Bagged lunch, free change of clothes, wound care, and laundry service provided! Ho‘ola Lahui health center registration, SNAP and health insurance assistance*
Please donate today to help us reach our goal of another year of expanded service on for our vulnerable populations! Your generous contributions and support will help to fund Project HieHie Kaua’i.
Kauai County Housing Agency (KCHA) Homeless Support
Click here for additional resources
Partner Resources:
Catholic Charities: 241-4673
Children & Family Services: 245-5914
Dept. of Education (DOE): 274-3502
DHS Gov’s Coordinator on Homelessness (GCH): 586-0193
Domestic Violence Shelter: 24506362
Family Life Center: 212-0850
Hale Opio Kauai: 245-2873
Kaua'i Bus: 246-8110
Kaua'i Economic Opportunity (KEO): 245-4077 x235
Kaua'i Independent Food Bank: 246-3809
Kaua’i Community Mental Health Center (KCMH): 274-3190
Kaua’i County Housing Agency (KCHA): 241-4440
Malama Pono Health Sves. (MPHS): 245-9577
Mental Health Hotline: 800-753-6879
Nourish Kaua’i: 320-3006
Ohana Christian Fellowship (OCF): 378-4804
Project Vision (PVH): 652-6930
St. Michael’s Church: 245-3796
Veterans Affairs (VA): 246-0497
Wilcox Health (WH): 245-1100
Women In Need (WIN): 245-1996
YMCA: 246-9090